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Joyful Journey
Birth Services

Image by Jonathan Borba



to the any of the questions you may have

"A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible." – DONA International

What is a doula?

The below statistics have shown the value of having doula support through the birth journey.

  • 39% decrease in risk of cesarean

  • 15% increase in spontaneous vaginal birth

  • 10% decrease in the use of medications for pain relief 

  • 38% decrease in babies risk of  a low 5 minute APGAR score 

  • 31% decrease in negative birth experience 

  • Labors shortened by an average of 41 minutes​

Resource​ Evidence on: Doulas (

What are the benefits of having a doula?

At Joyful Journey Birth Services, I believe that having a doula can be a huge asset to the birth team during the birthing experience. I can provide emotional, physical, and informational support to both the mother and her partner. I can help provide reassurance and comfort to the mother throughout labor and can provide her partner with information about what to expect during the birthing process. I also provide guidance and techniques to help the mother cope with labor pain. 

I have a partner, why do I need a doula?

Absolutely! A doula is a valuable resource no matter what type of birth you are planning. Joyful Journey Birth Services offers support and guidance through every stage of the childbirth process, even if you are planning to have a medicated birth. I provide physical, emotional, and informational support for you and your partner, helping make your birth experience as positive and stress-free as possible.

I don't want unmedicated birth, do I still need a doula?

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